UFW Appeals Preliminary Injunction in Wonderful Case

FELS’ parent organization, California Farm Bureau, joined 10 other agricultural employer organizations in an amici curiae brief supporting Wonderful…

Card Check: Opt for “Labor Peace” or Not?

AB 2183 (Stone), the United Farm Workers union-supported card-check bill, offers agricultural employers in California a choice between opting for a “labor…

Supreme Court Rules that Unions May Be Sued for Strike Damage to Employer Property

(Editor's Note: FELS website and the FELS Newsletter have recenlty published several articles dealing with opinions issued by the General Counsel of the…

Assembly Budget Subcommittee Approves Governor/UFW/Labor Fed Card Check Pact

Bryan Little, Farm Employers Labor Service March 30, 2023 On March 28, the Assembly Budget Subcommittee spent a rainy afternoon well into an evening…

ALRB Releases Card Check Guidance

December 29, 2022 The Agricultural Labor Relations Board (ALRB) has released guidance on actions it has taken to implement AB 2183 (Stone), the “card…

Employers’ Right to Refuse Property Access

The State Labor Commissioner’s Office has announced that, working in conjunction with Cal/OSHA and the Agricultural Labor Relations Board (ALRB), it…

Supreme Court Reviews Union Organizing Rule

The U.S. Supreme Court will decide next year whether a California regulation allowing union organizers to visit a farmer's private property to encourage…