Guidance for Implementation and Compliance with Presidential Memorandum Deferring Employee Social Security Tax Withholding

On August 8, 2020, President Trump directed the Secretary of the Treasury to allow employees to defer the payment of the employee share of payroll taxes…

Supplemental COVID-19 Paid Sick Leave Under AB 1867

Barsamian & Moody Sept. 21, 2020 On September 9, 2020, California Governor Gavin Newsom signed AB 1867 into law creating two new Labor Code…

New Large Non-Food Sector Paid Sick Leave Mandate  Effective Sept. 19

AB 1867 (signed by Gov. Newsom on September 6) mandates both food sector employers and employers in other industries employing 500 or more employees…

Bostock Decision Prohibits Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity Discrimination 

  The U.S. Supreme Court in its recent decision in Bostock v. Clayton County, Georgia found that Title VII of the federal Civil Rights Act of 1964…

California Now Presumes Most Employees With COVID-19 Can Receive Workers’ Compensation Benefits

California Governor Gavin Newsom just enacted sweeping changes to the state’s workers’ compensation standards, providing that a broad swath of…

Federal Judge Rules Cal/Savers Not ERISA Pre-Empted

Senior U.S. District Court Judge Morrison C. England ruled on March 10 that California's Cal/Savers program is not pre-empted by the federal Employment…

New Federal Family and Medical Leave and Paid Sick Leave Obligations to Commence on April 2, 2020

Congress has passed, and President Trump has signed, the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (“the Act”) addressing the Coronavirus pandemic.…