High Heat Alert: Cal/OSHA Reminds Employers to Protect Workers from High Heat
Editor's Note: Farm Employers Labor Service provides resources to assist employers' compliance with the Heat Illness Prevention (HIP) Standard at Employer…
FELS Webinar: New Heat Stress Smartphone App!
American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) CEO Larry Sloan Will Demo Aide for Ag Employers & Employees! Protecting agricultural employees from…
Another Heat Wave for Agricultural Employers, Make Sure to SWEAT
In light of July 2024 being the second hottest month on record (ever), it is appropriate to reemphasize the importance of strict compliance with Cal/OSHA’s…
Standards Board Approves Indoor Heat Illness Standard Despite Withdrawn Regulatory Process Approval
On March 21, the Cal/OSHA Standards Board opened its meeting with an announcement from Board Chair Dave Thomas that the state Department of Finance had…
Cal/OSHA Night Work Regulation Resources from FELS
Regulatory Text: Effective July 1, 2020: Cal/OSHA regulations for outdoor agricultural operations during hours of darkness Ag Night Work…
Heat Illness Prevention (HIP) Standard Compliance Resources from FELS
Heat Illness Prevention and Compliance With Cal/OSHA's HIP Standard Agricultural employers should be prepared to protect outdoor workers…