CDPH Recommendations for Protecting Dairy Employees from H5N1 Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI)

Bryan Little, Farm Employers Labor Service April 19, 2024 The California Department of Public Heath has issued the following recommendations for…

CDPH Recommendations for Protecting Dairy Employees from H5N1 Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI)

The California Department of Public Heath has issued the following recommendations for protection of dairy employees over the signature of Kristin…

Standards Board Approves Indoor Heat Illness Standard Despite Withdrawn Regulatory Process Approval

On March 21, the Cal/OSHA Standards Board opened its meeting with an announcement from Board Chair Dave Thomas that the state Department of Finance had…

Top 10 Pesticide Violations in 2022: Using Violation Reports to Improve Current Safety Practices

When pesticides are applied, growers and supervisors are required to ensure that workers handling pesticides—also known as handlers—are protected.…

FELS+FieldClock+Harvust: FELS Announces Headache Relief for California Ag Employers

FELS is pleased to announce a new partnership with FieldClock, a web- and cloud-based service to assist farm employers with gathering time-and-attendance…

Cal/OSHA’s Oncoming Regulatory Avalanche

Bryan Little, Farm Employers Labor Service March 29, 2023 Extreme snow levels in the Sierra Nevada mountains can create heightened avalanche risk…

COVID Supplemental Paid Sick Leave: Large v. Small Employer

As employers adjust to the new COVID Supplemental Paid Sick Leave rules, we have received a lot of questions about how to calculate the number of employees…