Webinars by Farm Employers Labor Service

March 21, 2025, 10:00 AM: La Migra is at the Door! What Do I Do? Border Patrol apprehensions of criminal aliens in Bakersfield in early January triggered several waves of social media and legacy media panic in California that’s only beginning to wane. Is a wave of worksite immigration raids and worksite enforcement on the horizon? What do you need to do to be ready? Bryan Little of FELS and California Farm Bureau will walk you through where things are now on immigration and enforcement, and Rebecca Hause-Schultz of national employment firm Fisher Phillips will refresh our knowledge about proper completion and storage of Forms I-9, dealing with employment verification issues, dealing with immigration-related enforcement agencies, related California laws and other important things you need to know if early January is going to be California agriculture’s “new normal.”

You can register for “La Migra is at the Door! What Do I Do” here.

ICYMI: In Case You Missed It

Missed a FELS Webinar?

ICYMI (In Case You Missed It): Past FELS Webinars/Webinar Videos/Presentation Slides:

February 21, 2025; 10:00 AM: So You Got Cited by Cal/OSHA; Now What? Cal/OSHA has dropped a package of citations at your doorstep featuring accusatory, inflammatory language and thousands in proposed penalties.  What should you do now?

In addition to the penalties proposed by Cal/OSHA, a citation may be used to support other claims against your business, to support additional penalties for violations going forward and may also impact your ability to do business in the future. Paying the money just to “move on” is no longer an option.

Lisa Prince of The Prince Firm shared with webinar participants unique insights to help you know what to do to protect your business and your assets.

You can watch a video of the webinar here; passcode 7j+T#mQ1

You can review Ms. Prince’s presentation slides here.

January 23, 2025: 2025 is Here! Are You Ready? New Cal/OSHA regs, the final stage of implementation of ag overtime, CA minimum wage increase and more.  Bryan Little, FELS COO briefed viewers to be ready for ready for changes for 2025.

Webinar Recording

Bryan’s Presentation Slides

January 17, 2025: The Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA): When Congress passed PWFA last summer, most in California ignored it, assuming California laws would have greater protection for pregnant employees. But there are some wrinkles you need to know between PWFA and California law. The Pregnant Workers Fairness Act increases accommodation requirements for pregnant workers by requiring accommodation of “limitations” (not just “disabilities”), mandating suspension of essential job functions, identifying accommodations to be provided under most circumstances, and limiting employers’ ability to require medical documentation. Join us for an in-depth discussion of what California employers need to know about the PWFA. Jaya Narang and Rebecca Stephens of Farella Braun + Martel explained for our audience.

Webinar Recording; passcode: 8r=b#evr

Jaya & Rebecca’s Presentation Slides

Equal Opportunity Employment Commission (EEOC) Guidance

November 15, 2024: Protecting Agricultural Employees from H5N1: Steven Fenaroli, California Farm Bureau; William J. Krycia, former Cal/OSHA Ag Enforcement Coordinator (retired); Bryan Little, FELS Chief Operating Officer, Eugene Glendenning, Program Manager, Cal/OSHA Consultation furnished our viewers with insights and practical tips on the employee safety aspects of the H5N1 outbreak.

FELS’ presentation slides

Gene Glendenning’s presentation slides

October 4, 2024: Upgrade Your Employees’ Skills with AgHire and English at Work: Join us to learn about AgHiRE and English at Work, two innovative programs designed for the Spanish-speaking agricultural workforce. In this webinar employers will learn how the these programs will support your operations by equipping high-potential employees with essential language, digital literacy, regulatory, and leadership skills. Annika Forester of Center for Land-Based Learning and AgHire and Ana Negoescu of the National Immigration Forum and English at Work explained both programs providing an opportunity for employers to upgrade skills of their supervisors and employees.

You can watch a video of the presentation here; Passcode: %MZ2xBmh

September 27, 2024: New Heat Stress Smartphone App from AIHA: Protecting agricultural employees from heat illness and compliance with Cal/OSHA’s Heat Illness Prevention (HIP) standard is a continuing challenge for ag employers. But we can rely on emerging technology to help! American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) CEO Larry Sloan demonstrated AIHA’s new heat stress smartphone app, designed to assist outdoor workers by calculating relative heat stress and providing health recommendations to avoid resulting heat related illnesses. The app is compatible with both Apple and Android devices and is now freely available on your favorite App Store.

Watch a video of Larry’s presentation; enter this passcode when prompted: @9B10MPo

August 23, 2024: California’s New Workplace Violence Prevention Plan requirement — Are You Ready? California recently implemented a workplace violence prevention law requiring employers to create a detailed written workplace violence prevention plan and train employees by July 1. Join Cozen O’Connor attorneys Michele B. Miller and Elena K. Hillman discussed the details of this law and guidelines for developing and implementing a compliant plan.

You can watch a video of Michele and Elena here. Passcode to view is: ?C7&ul^5

You can review their presentation slides here.

July 12, 2024: Cal/OSHA’s New Indoor Heat Illness Standard: The new Indoor Heat Illness standard is coming soon; what will you need to do? David Hornung, Cal/OSHA’s Heat and Agriculture Program Coordinator gave our viewers the low-down, focusing on the outdoor heat illness prevention regulation and the new indoor heat illness regulation, emphasizing how these measures are intended to protect agricultural employees from heat-related illnesses. Additionally, David shared various free resources to aid employers in compliance with these regulations.

You can review David’s presentation slides here.

June 10 & July 16, 2024: English at Work: FELS and our partners at English at Work, a project of the National Immigration Forum, are excited to offer agriculture-appropriate English-language training in cooperation with the California Employment Training Panel.

Ana Negoescu, NIF’s Assistant Vice President, Business Engagement and Inclusion Programs gave viewers an overview of the program and information about how you can offer this valuable, relevant, agriculture-appropriate English-language training to your employees!

You can watch a video of Ana’s presentation here.

You can review Ana’s presentation slides here.

You can review the English at Work curriculum guide here.

May 31, 2024: USDOL is Inspecting California Farms! Are You Ready? The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) is actively enforcing federal wage and hour and agricultural employment requirements with farm labor contractors and growers. California has also stepped-up onsite visits through its Labor Enforcement Task Force (LETF). Many employers are not fully prepared for potential consequences, which can include substantial citations and, in extreme circumstances, criminal prosecution.

Don’t hope you go unnoticed!  Rosasco Law Group CEO Erica Rosasco will train you to be ready for an inspection. Employers and their supervisors should familiarize themselves with their rights before state or federal inspectors arrive. How you handle an investigation can make a huge difference!

You can review Erica’s presentation slides here.

You can download Erica’s “What to do when the Government Shows Up” checklist here.

April 29, 2024: Workplace Violence and Unions on the Farm: Are you up-to-speed on the new workplace violence regulations and its requirements? How about unions and their campaign to unionize California ag employers? (Don’t laugh — it’s happening right now!) FELS Chief Operating Officer Bryan Little reviewed workplace violence requirements, card check, and resources from FELS and Farm Bureau to help you.

You can watch a video of the webinar here. (passcode: Sq%j2y@E)

You can review Bryan’s presentation slides here.

Mar. 15, 2024: Labor Stability with wafla; a New Opportunity to Use the H-2A program to Stabilize Your Workforce: Our audience learned more about FELS’ new subscriber benefit, an alliance with wafla, the premier west-coast provider member association for farm employers looking to use the H-2A temporary agricultural visa program. wafla’s high-touch, extensive customer service approach is uniquely suited to smaller H-2A program users like FELS Newsletter subscribers, FELS clients and Farm Bureau members. FELS COO Bryan Little and wafla CEO Enrique Gastellum explained how FELS subscribers and clients can access special FELS-exclusive benefits to access the H-2A program the wafla way — making labor stability your reality!

 You can review Enrique’s presentation slides here.

Feb. 23, 2024: Card Check and Ag Employers, One Year Later: What Does It Mean for You? What Have We Learned from the First Year of Card Check? Seth Mehrten of FELS’ Group Legal Services Program partner firm Barsamian & Moody reviewed the early actions of the Agricultural Labor Relations Board, including proposed regulations implementing AB 2183/AB 113 and the Board’s handling of early card check petitions to help you make sense of this sweeping change in California’s agricultural labor relations law and understand how it may impact your farming or ranching business.

You can review slides of Seth’s presentation here.

Jan 11, 2024: Agricultural Employment Regulatory & Legislative Update: Bryan Little of Farm Employers Labor Service and Rebecca Hause-Scultz of Fisher & Phillips, LLC updated our viewers on what’s new (or just changing, again) for 2024:

  • Minimum Wage
  • Overtime
  • Paid Sick Leave
  • CalSavers
  • Workplace Violence Plan requirement
  • and More!

You can view a recording of the webinar here. (use passcode: A=a9j3Id)

You can review the presentation slides here.

Sept. 19, 2023: New Form I-9: What You Need to Know: The Department of Homeland Security has published a new Form I-9, and it’s very different from I-9s past. How is it different? Where are the “trap doors?” When are you required to begin using it? Catherine Houlihan of FELS Group Legal Services Program partner firm Barsamian & Moody unraveled the mysteries of the new Form I-9 for you our webinar viewers!

You can review Catherine’s presentation slides here

June 6, 2023: Do You Really Need to Keep Old I9s Forever, and Other Questions About I-9 Compliance: June 6, 2023: Agricultural employers face many paperwork requirements.  One constant headache is I-9 forms.  The form is complicated, and there are very specific rules an employer is required to follow.  Do you know all of those rules? Do you know how long you must keep I-9s and when you can discard them? Jen Shaw of Shaw Law Group walked our audience through from A-Z on I-9 Compliance issues. 

You can review Jen’s presentation slides here

May 19, 2023: Card Check and Ag Employers: What Does AB 2183 Mean for You? Governor Newsom signed the UFW’s “card check” legislation (AB 2183) last year, totally upending the election process under the Agricultural Labor Relations Act. AB 2183 imposes massive new monetary penalties for Unfair Labor Practices (ULPs) (up to $25,000), requires appeal bonds to appeal a decision of the Board, and enacts a “card check” union “election” process to replace traditional secret ballot elections. Card check will provide multiple opportunities for union agents to intimidate and deceive your employees into opting for union representation under ALRB rules that will make it difficult to impossible for employees to reverse when they realize the union can’t keep its extravagant promises. Pat Moody of FELS’ Group Legal Services Program partner firm Barsamian & Moody reviewed these important changes to help you make sense of this sweeping change in California’s agricultural labor relations law and understand how it may impact your farming or ranching business.

Review Pat’s presentation slides: 

AB 2183 & AB 112 Card Check Legislation Overview

Best Practices for Growers & FLCs Working Together

Feb. 24, 2023: Understanding California’s Pay Data Reporting Requirements: California employers are now subject to greater pay transparency requirements. The recent amendments to California’s current pay data reporting law make it among the strictest in the country. On this webinar, Shaw Law Group expert Jen Shaw leads an interactive discussion of Senate Bill 1162 and the Pay Data Report requirements, including: 

  • A review of the new FAQs in this area
  • How to ensure your pay data reports are compliant
  • Understanding the meaning of “labor contractor” and your responsibilities in this area
  • How to audit your compensation practices to identify potential risk areas

Review Jen’s powerpoint slides

Aug. 22, 2022: Arbitration Agreements for California Ag Employers: Do I Need One? How Do I Get One?: California policymakers keep trying to narrow employers’ use of arbitration agreements that require employees to arbitrate disputes over employment-related matters.  Federal courts, including in the recent Viking River Cruises case, push back by asserting federal preemption.  Employers and their counsel push arbitration rather than resort to California’s crowded and expensive litigation system where the deck is already stacked against employers by the Private Attorneys General Act (PAGA), liberal and sometimes hostile judges, and unsympathetic juries.  How will an arbitration policy help you as an employer in California? How big a victory was Viking River Cruises, and how will the union- and employee-friendly California Legislature respond?  Catherine Houlihan of FELS Group Legal Services plan partner firm Barsamian & Moody explained it for our audience.

You can review Catherine’s presentation slides here