The U.S. Department of Labor’s Wage & Hour Division announced on April 30 its new initiative to inform employees about their rights under the federal Fair Labor Standards Act and the federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). California employers should be mindful that while California’s employee protections are much more stringent than federal requirements, […]
FELS Newsletter: May 2021
Litigation Regarding Obligation to Pay for COVID-19 Screening
It has been one year since COVID-19 entered our lives and changed the way we do things—not only in our private lives but also in the realm of employment. By now, everyone is familiar with COVID screening, symptom checking, and self-isolation if you have any symptoms. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends […]
Employers’ Right to Refuse Property Access
In mid-May, the State Labor Commissioner’s Office announced that, working in conjunction with Cal/OSHA and the Agricultural Labor Relations Board (ALRB), it intends to contact farmworkers by attempting to take access to growers’ properties, including agricultural fields and worker housing. According to California Labor and Workforce Development Agency Secretary Julie Su’s recent Twitter posting, a […]
Under the Capitol Dome
AB 616 (Mark Stone, D-Monterey Bay) creates a new “ballot card” election option for labor unions seeking to unionize employees under the Agricultural Labor Relations Act. The “ballot card” procedure amounts to “card check,” allowing union organizers to coerce, intimidate, or otherwise induce agricultural employees to sign “ballot cards.” AB 616 denies agricultural employees the […]
Oregon Finalizes COVID-19 Regulation
The State of Oregon has issued a final COVID-19 worker protection standard, replacing its temporary rule adopted six months ago. The final rule, effective on May 4 with certain provisions phasing in over time, is slated to stay in effect until state officials declare the COVID-19 emergency over. The Oregon Occupational Safety and Health Administration […]
Cal/OSHA Releases Proposal for Revised COVID-19 ETS – Revises Guidance for Vaccinated Employees
On May 7, Cal/OSHA released draft language to revise and readopt its COVID-19 Emergency Temporary Standards (ETS). The Cal/OSHA Standards Board is expected to consider and approve this revision at its May 20 meeting. The revised ETS is expected to take effect by June 1 and be effective through the end of 2021. The proposed […]
CDC Issues Revised Masking Guidance – California Delays to June 15
On May 13, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued new masking guidance that vaccinated individuals may discontinue masking indoors and outdoors except in crowded places like an airplane or indoor event. While Cal/OSHA has proposed revisions to its COVID-19 Emergency Temporary Standards, those revisions fall well short of this CDC guidance. On May […]
FELS Can Help You Secure COVID-19 Vaccination Appointments for Employees
Farm Employers Labor Service can help you secure appointments to have your employees receive COVID-19 vaccines. FELS can connect you with Blue Shield of California, which Gov. Gavin Newsom has tasked to be the Third Party Administrator of the state’s vaccinating network, to help find local clinics that can help support this effort. Please email […]