Labor Management Consulting

Agricultural employers are faced with the same labor relations problems as other types of employers. In some ways these pressures are even greater because of the seasonality of the industry.

Unfortunately, it is not economical to hire an experienced, full-time person assigned solely to personnel matters. Add to this the language and cultural differences between employers and employees and the job becomes even more insurmountable.

The FELS Labor Management Consultant (LMC) Service fills this gap by providing employers with an economical alternative. The LMC service approaches Ag Labor Relations on three fronts: (1) improving communications; (2) labor law compliance; and (3) personnel relations program (P.R.).

Benefits of a LMC

The first and most important benefit of the LMC service is reducing cost. It is well documented that the LMC service has saved literally thousands of dollars for LMC clients. For instance, savings have resulted from lowering an employer’s workers’ compensation rates due to improved safety awareness and training. Other cost savings have resulted from detecting ghost employees, reducing labor commissioner complaints and fines, and improving work procedures. Growers have found it easy to justify the LMC program for these factors alone.

Second, as a result of improved communications it is likely a LMC client will experience labor problems. Differences between people cannot be resolved unless they are able to openly discuss them. Not only is language a barrier, but also being in a subordinated relationship will affect open communications. In labor relations terms, “it is better to know, than to be comfortable.”

Additionally, LMC clients are providing their employees with a very economical and tangible fringe benefit. Dollar for dollar, the return on a company’s investment in the LMC program can provide clients with an employee motivator which is less costly than other traditional programs such as medical insurance, vacation pay or sick leave benefits.

The bottom Line

The reason you are in business is to make a profit. To achieve this objective you need to depend on your employees to do a myriad of jobs which concludes in selling a profitable product. If these employees are not satisfied with their employment, the process of making a profit will be hampered. The LMC service insures that this process is enhanced and that you minimize the potential liabilities along the way.

Give us a call when you are ready to step up your business’s efficiency.

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